Intellectual property rights (IPR) and marketing law


Intellectual assets are becoming increasingly important, and the correct handling of these assets can be crucial for a business.

The lawyers at Advokatfirmaet Dehn have the knowledge and experience to handle different types of intellectual property rights. We are also keen to keep informed of technological developments that provide new ways of exploiting intellectual property, which in turn raises new legal issues. The same applies to data protection and marketing. We are familiar with the limitations and opportunities that follow from the various laws in this area and non-statutory law, and many clients will benefit greatly from discussing IPR issues with us. This can add value, reduce risk and provide a competitive advantage.

We assist with mapping, securing, establishing protection, rights regulation in agreements and other management and utilization, as well as enforcement of infringements and disputes. Much of our IPR advice will be related to technology and IT, where we have particularly good expertise.

We assist with:

  • Copyright
  • Trademarks
  • Business names
  • Domains
  • Design services
  • Marketing and promotion
  • Privacy policy
  • Product imitation/piracy
  • Know-how and trade secrets
  • Franchise, exclusive distributor and agent relationships
  • Transfers of ownership
  • Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)


Lawyers within intellectual property rights (IPR) and marketing:

Hedda Strømsodd Hosar
Grete Funderud Stillum
Elisabeth Rui Jørgensen